" Diversity of world views and world knowledge in the classroom ", European Modules for trainer training.
In 2010/2011 the Pestalozzi Programme offers a trainer training course on the topic "Diversity of world views and world knowledge in the classroom". The course will start in autumn 2010 and the first module (Module A) will take place on 9-12 November 2010 at the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France. The training course targets pre-service and in-service teacher trainers and lasts for about 12 months and comprises two face-to-face meetings (Module A and Module B; each of a duration of four days) and phases of material development and piloting supported by online collaboration and coaching. The training course offers 50 places to teacher trainers from the states party to the European Cultural Convention (nominated by their national authorities) and 5 places to trainers from countries of the southern and eastern mediterranean (nominated and supported by partner organisations).
" Diversity of world views and world knowledge in the classroom ",
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