Coexist Prize for Bridge-Building between People of Different Faiths

The Coexist Foundation, with offices in New York and London, has announced a Coexist Prize for an “an unsung hero who has made an exceptional contribution to building bridges between people of different faiths, who has shown courage and imagination beyond their day to day responsibilities and effected change that will leave a lasting impact in their society and beyond.”

 The Prize is worth $100,000 and is open to people of all faiths, and those of no religious persuasion. There are also two runners up awards worth $10,000. Further details on applying or nominating a person is available at the website.

The winners’ powerful stories will be featured in short documentaries, which Coexist will showcase at the Prize ceremony on Tuesday March 20th 2012 at New York University. They will also be made available online, so that they can be an inspiration and example for others. Coexist will work closely with the Prize winners to carry on their work and ensure its lasting impact in their society and beyond.
An internationally respected panel of judges, including Her Excellency Mary Robinson, His Excellency The Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Ali Gomaa, Rabbi David Rosen (American Jewish Committee's International Director of Interreligious Affairs), and Professor David Ford of the Cambridge University Inter-Faith Programme, will choose the winner and the two runners up.

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