Christianity and Islam: Between Love, Law and Secularity

The Centre for the Study of Islam and the Centre for Inter-Faith Studies at the University of Glasgow will hold a student-led symposium that will explore the themes of love, law, and secularity in relation to Islam and Christianity.

This symposium aims to draw together researchers from a variety of disciplines to consider:
•    the relationship, if any, between love and law in Islam and Christianity respectively;
•    the potential for constructive dialogue between the traditions concerning these themes;
•    how the relationship, if any, between love and law as understood by Christians and Muslims influences how their faith traditions engage with ‘secular’ society;
•    to what extent do, can, or should ‘secular’ legal frameworks accommodate Christian and Muslim concerns in this regard?
The symposium follows the groundbreaking global initiative A Common Word (2007), which emphasised love of God and love of neighbour as a basis for cooperation between Christians and Muslims.

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