CFP Deadline: Mar. 15, Parliament of the World’s Religions, USA

The Parliament of the World’s Religions invites proposals by March 15, 2015, for programs for presentations at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 15-19.

Program types may include any of the following:
•    lecture,
•    academic paper,
•    seminar,
•    panel discussion,
•    religious or spiritual observance,
•    workshop,
•    training session, or
•    artistic performance.

Regular programs will be 90 minutes in length, although other durations are possible.  Symposia (1-3 day series of programs on a particular topic) may also be considered.

The theme of the 2015 Parliament is Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity: Working Together for a World of Compassion, Peace, Justice, and Sustainability.

Most of the 2015 Parliament programming will be around three critical issues and three constituencies.

Three Critical Issues for 2015 are the following:
•    Climate Change and Care for Creation
•    War, Violence and Hate Speech
•    The Widening Wealth Gap and Wasteful Consumption

Three Focused Constituencies of 2015 Parliament are these:
•    Women
•    Indigenous Communities
•    Youth

More information is available on this website.


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