Boston College Biennial Conference on the History of Religion

The History Department of Boston College Biennial Conference on the History of Religion, "History's Fourth Lens? Race, Class, Gender — and Religion," March 30-31, 2012.

In recent years, scholars have increasingly focused on the important roles that religious intuitions, beliefs, or practices have played in human history. They have also expressed concern that historical analyses done primarily through the lenses of race, class, and gender have neglected or at least deemphasized the religious influences on the lives of their subjects. Such scholars argue that to ignore how religion informed the lives of historical subjects is to fundamentally misinterpret the past. Religion, therefore, is one of a number of forces that interact, collide, and impel the historical experience. This conference will consider how religion complements race, class, and gender as a lens for historical analysis.

For further conference details including a schedule, registration form and travel information contact Peter Cajka at peter.cajka.1(at)

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