Claremont Journal of Religion ( is issuing a call for papers for its upcoming Inaugural Issue set to come out January 2012. The editor-in-chief invites papers and book reviews related to any of these topics:
* Defining Religion
* Theories of Religion
* Religion and Society
* Religious Pluralism
* Religion, the Public Sphere, and American Politics
Deadline for submission is November 1, 2011. Please see "submission guidelines" page for requirements, formatting, and general information. Email submissions to Kile Jones, Editor-in-chief, at kile.jones(at)
Claremont Journal of Religion (CJR) is a student led, peer-reviewed, online journal that focuses on the ways "religion" can be understood in the contemporary world. CJR is in relationship with the recently established Claremont Lincoln University, Claremont School of Theology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont University Consortium, and The Society for Philosophy and Religion at Claremont (SPARC). The goal of this journal is to provide a forum for emerging scholars, academics, graduate students, and lay-leaders to publish their latest work in the broad field of "religious studies."