An Exchange on Women’s Roles for Peace: Is Religion a Source of Strength or an Obstacle?

This public event concludes a two-day symposium on women's approaches and work to build peace. With an emphasis on the roles of religion, meeting participants will reflect with a broader audience on their conclusions, concerns and ideas for making their work for peace more effective. A reception will follow at 5 p.m.

Information about the symposium is available at The website features interviews with participants, as well as other leaders who could not be present.

The Symposium is co-sponsored by the United States Institute for Peace, Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, and the World Faiths Development Dialogue. It brings together a group of practitioners, academics and policy makers of different faith traditions and from different world regions including Africa, East Asia, the Middle East and North America. Various organizations will be represented including USAID, DOS and the UN. The session will be an open opportunity to share the highlights of the previous two days of discussion.

Riggs Library is located on the third floor of Healy Hall. Enter campus through the main gates (located at the intersection of 37th and O streets). Healy Hall is the large building directly ahead and slightly to the right of the main circle. For more information on directions to campus and transportation options, please see the webpage for the Office of Transportation Management (OTM) at

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